
The Monument To The Fallen

The tribute of blood Petriolo paid for the World Wars has been honored with the edification of a place of worship, where the remains of the soldiers are kept.

The monument stands in a sacred area, where, as recorded in the land register managed by Pietro Tartufoli in 1732, a church was located, the Chiesa del Crocifisso. But it was demolished, and the watercolor painted by the chief engineer Mollari at the end of the Napoleonic Era, which depicts the street going from Petriolo to Montolmo, is a clear evidence.

Later, the graveyard was built in this area, and thanks to the skilled illustrator Marzio Tamburri, we have its drawn memory.
This worship place changed again: when the graveyard moved to its current location, the Monument to the Fallen of all wars was built here to honor their memory.


always visitable

Our proposals for you

Come and find out what you can see in Petriolo

Petriolo Castle

The Fortified Tower

(Porta Rondella)

The Civic Tower

The Monument To The Fallen

Sanctuary Of Madonna Della Misericordia

The Church Of Saints Marco And Martino

Viewpoint Of Piazza San Martino